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Praise for "REMNANT"

This book is chock-full of exciting battles and suspense...The action scenes are excellent, and you really feel like you're in the jungle. Great details bring it vividly to life!


- E. Chris Ambrose

Author of the "Bone Guard Series"

Well written, good plot, fast-paced action. Clearly fiction at its best. I really enjoyed reading this. May I have more, please?

- Amazon Reviewer

Prehistoric and Jungles...two words to fire the imagination. Good and well-written Reading. Worth a try! Pick up your own copy and find out.

- Amazon Reviewer

Sometimes a book gives you characters developed over hundreds of pages, with layers of meaning and understanding that you can peel away to learn deep truths not just about them, but yourself and what it means to be a human soul in an inhuman universe.
Then there are other books, that have awesome monsters and cartel runners and guns.

This book is the second kind of book.

Take Indiana Janes, Lara Croft, Nathan Drake, and their ilk, add a touch of the influences of Alan Quartermain and Francis Xavier Gordon, and if you're still with me, then its a fair bet you will enjoy this book. If you have ever put a book down because nothing is happening, Remnant is not going to give you that chance. The action revs up quick and does not stop or slow down, and good guys, bad guys, and megafauna all converge quickly with a satisfying, bloody, bone smashing crunch.

If you want a quick, satisfying, action packed read, this is a book and author that you want to have on your radar.

- Charles E. Clark